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Version: 6.x.x


WebUri is a class that implements the Uri interface to maintain also the raw string value used by Uri.parse.

This class is used because some strings coming from the native platform side are not parsed correctly or could lose letter case information, so rawValue can be used as a fallback value.

The forceToStringRawValue property indicates whether to force the usage of rawValue when calling toString or not. Because toString is used to send URI strings to the native platform side, this flag is useful when you want to send rawValue instead of uriValue.toString(). The default value is false.

Use isValidUri to detect if rawValue has been parsed correctly. If it is false, then uriValue will have the value of Uri().

If forceToStringRawValue is true or isValidUri is false, the toString method returns rawValue, otherwise the value of uriValue.toString().

Basic examples:

// InAppWebView example
URLRequest(url: WebUri(''))

// example of letter case difference
final uri = WebUri('scheme://customHostValue', forceToStringRawValue: false);
print(uri.rawValue); // scheme://customHostValue
print(uri.isValidUri); // true
print(uri.uriValue.toString()); // scheme://customhostvalue
print(uri.toString()); // scheme://customhostvalue

uri.forceToStringRawValue = true;
print(uri.toString()); // scheme://customHostValue

// example of a not valid URI
// Uncaught Error: FormatException: Invalid port (at character 14)
final invalidUri = WebUri('intent://not:valid_uri');
print(invalidUri.rawValue); // intent://not:valid_uri
print(invalidUri.isValidUri); // false
print(invalidUri.uriValue.toString()); // ''
print(invalidUri.toString()); // intent://not:valid_uri