📄️ InAppWebView
InAppWebView is a Flutter Widget for adding an inline native WebView integrated into the flutter widget tree.
📄️ InAppWebViewSettings
The InAppWebViewSettings class represents all the WebView settings available.
📄️ Headless InAppWebView
The HeadlessInAppWebView class represents a WebView in headless mode.
🗃️ Javascript
4 items
📄️ Context Menu
ContextMenu represents the WebView's context menu.
📄️ Find Interaction Controller
FindInteractionController represents the controller used by the WebView to add text-finding capabilities, such as the "Find on page" feature.
📄️ Print Job Controller
PrintJobController represents the controller used by the WebView to manage print jobs.
📄️ Proxy Controller
ProxyController represents the proxy settings that govern network requests made by WebView.
📄️ Pull-To-Refresh Controller
PullToRefreshController represents the controller used by the WebView to manage the pull-to-refresh feature.
📄️ WebView Asset Loader
WebViewAssetLoader is an Android-only helper class used to load local files including application's static assets and resources using http(s):// URLs inside a WebView.
📄️ Content Blockers
Content Blockers are used to block content, such as ads.
📄️ Keep Alive
Feature to keep alive a native WebView in background.
📄️ Process Global Config
Process Global Configuration for Android WebView.