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Flutter InAppWebView

InAppWebView - Flutter InAppWebView

Flutter plugin that allows you to incorporate WebView widgets into your Flutter app,
to use headless WebViews, or to use In-App browsers.

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WebView integrated into the widget tree

Adding the InAppWebView widget into your app is very simple. It’s just a widget like any other Flutter widget:

  URLRequest(url: WebUri(""))

You can listen to a lot of events and use the InAppWebViewController to control your InAppWebView instances!

Open An In-App Browser

Use InAppBrowser or ChromeSafariBrowser to open an in-app browser! ChromeSafariBrowser is based on Chrome Custom Tabs on Android and on SFSafariViewController on iOS.

Create a Class that extends the InAppBrowser/ChromeSafariBrowser Class in order to override the callbacks to manage the browser events.

Use Headless WebViews

It can be used to run a WebView in background without attaching an InAppWebView to the widget tree.

As InAppWebView, it has the same options and events. Use InAppWebViewController to control the headless WebView instance.